

Buzzwords are frequently used in news media. These are words that do not typically occur in everyday speech, but are common among newscasters, talking heads, and pundits on cable news.

These ‘news words’ are accepted by audiences for their implied meaning. But often loaded words are misused or used out of context. The actual definitions can be different than what is implied.

Newswordy is a growing collection of these words, updated every weekday. Along with each word is a definition, a quote with its use (or misuse) in the media, and a news and Twitter feed on the subject.

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Without any reduction in intensity or strength.

The report recommends setting a price on carbon, committing to an end of deforestation globally by 2030 with appropriate support for forested nations, the restoration of at least 500m hectares of lost or degraded forests by the same date, and a ban on new unabated coal-fired power plants in developed countries immediately, and in rapidly developing countries (middle income countries) by 2025.

Fiona Harvey, The Guardian