

Buzzwords are frequently used in news media. These are words that do not typically occur in everyday speech, but are common among newscasters, talking heads, and pundits on cable news.

These ‘news words’ are accepted by audiences for their implied meaning. But often loaded words are misused or used out of context. The actual definitions can be different than what is implied.

Newswordy is a growing collection of these words, updated every weekday. Along with each word is a definition, a quote with its use (or misuse) in the media, and a news and Twitter feed on the subject.

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[To engage in] An episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, esp. between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.

The most expensive presidential race in American history now becomes the biggest show on television, a night with enough uncertainty that it could become a telethon lasting well into morning…Batteries of lawyers are standing by for both sides in the swing states, especially Ohio, where the skirmishing was already under way.

Jim RutenBerg & Jeff Zeleny, The New York Times